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Paper List for Neural Dynamics

3 minute read

How does higher-order behavior emerge from billions of neurons firing?

The papers below explore neural dynamics in theoretical and experimental contexts, with a focus on interpreting higher-level behaviors from multiple single-neuron recordings.

This list is originally from the Dynamics in Cognition course taught by David Tank at Princeton.

Basic Concepts

Neural Dynamics: A Primer (Hopfield Networks)

Persistent Activity and Attractors

Attractors and Path Integration

Attractors and Grid Cells

Attractors and Head Direction Cells

Attractors and Decision-Making


Sequences in Songbirds

Sequences in Mammals

Modeling Sequences


Oscillations and Binding

Rotations in State Space

Representations in the Brain

Mismatch Negativity and Predictive Coding


Visual Representations

Comparing Artificial and Biological Neural Nets

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